Hello there!

Welcome to my site.
My name is Vladimir Goshev and I’m Whatever-you-want Developer.

I like cats (I do love them, may be even more, than rest of my family, :D, jk), software developing, IoT, embedded devices, traveling, hiking and much more…

As of Software developing I do like C language, but I know some other languages like: Perl, Haskell, Refal, C/C++, Python, Go, Java, Clojure, Scala, Object Pascal, PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript and some more. Also I enjoy Docker.

As of IoT and embedded devices I like and have lots of experience with Raspberry Pi and Arduino (i.e. AVR micro-architecture), I also have experience with some other devices and chips like CuBox-i, Orange Pi, STM32 and other but I don’t like them as much as Raspberry Pi and Arduino. And I know how to hold^W use soldering iron =).
I did work in Oracle as Software Developer of compiler for Oracle Solaris OS, more precisely our team developed Optimizing Code generator for Intel x86 (and x86_64, of course) architecture, so, I know a lot about Intel x86 (as well as x86_64) architecture.

My favorite GNU/Linux distributive is Gentoo Linux, but if you’ll ask me, I’d recommend Debian to you. Also I have experience with FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and Oracle Solaris operation systems (also Apple macOS and Microsoft Windows, a bit).

To contact me you can use one of sites above or use Telegram.